DLC Rates in Jodhpur 2025: How to Check & Important Things to Know

dlc rates in Jodhpur

Buying any house, plot, or piece of land requires more than just sightseeing. There are several taxes, duties, documents, and procedures to be followed. There are several other charges and criteria for buying any land or a plot, such as paying stamp duty and registration charges and DLC rates for analysing property rates.

What is DLC Rate?

Firstly, we will begin with an understanding of DLC rates. DLC stands for District Level Committee rates, which are minimum rates calculated by the district commission at which a plot is valued. 

The DLC rate is also known by several other names, such as the collector rate, unit rate, or stamp duty rate, as it is directly related to stamp duty charges.

Important Things to Know About DLC Rates

Now that we understand what DLC rates are, let us know more about how to find DLC rates in Rajasthan. Why Rajasthan and not India? Because the DLC rates are subject to change as per the state government and are regulated by state governance only, as the name suggests, the District Level Committee.

DLC rates in Jodhpur will be different from DLC rates in other districts even though they are in the same state. It is because it depends upon the current market prices of land as per the districts in a state. Hence, it is best to consulate with a property dealer in Jodhpur to avoid any confusion. 

The DLC rates are classified on the basis of their usage, such as industrial, commercial, institutional, or residential. Also, the pricing is based on exterior and interior DLC rates. 

Exterior DLC rates are the rates for the properties that are situated on the side of the road, which are road-side properties. 

Interior DLC rates are for the inner colonies, which are not road-touched. The exterior DLC rates are generally higher than the interior DLC rates because of the prominence and visibility of the property.

Post-COVID-19, the real estate sector has experienced profitability because the government of Rajasthan has reduced stamp duty to 4% from 6%. The market trends and prices for the DLC rates and stamp duty charges keep changing as per the stability of the nation and budget revisions as well.

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How To Check DLC Rates In Jodhpur?

DLC rates in Jodhpur can be checked by visiting the official website portal of the state government stamp department. 

Here are detailed step by step instructions for you to find DLC rates from the website:  

  1. Visit the website https://igrs.rajasthan.gov.in/ from your mobile, or PC.

This website is regulated by the Registrations and Stamp Department of the Rajasthan Government. 

  1. As soon as you click on the website, click on the E-citizen tab https://igrs.rajasthan.gov.in/e-citizen.htm. Here you will be able to access all the information related to your property such as: Forms, Grievances, DLC rates, E- stamp verification, and all other useful links. 
  1. From the E-citizen tab, you can click on DLC rates, which will be the third from the last. https://igrs.rajasthan.gov.in/dlc-rates-revised.htm, you can access from here directly as well. 
  1. After clicking on the DLC rates tab, you will see a new tab with old DLC rates and new DLC rates in Rajasthan. If you want to check previous DLC rates for comparison, click on old DLC rates, and if you want to check new DLC rates for buying a new property click on the new DLC rates link.
  1. After clicking on the new DLC rates in the Rajasthan link, you will be redirected to a map of Rajasthan, from which you can click on any district to check the DLC rates. For example, if you click on Jodhpur on the map, you will be given information about the DLC rates in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
  1. After you have chosen your district from the map, you will have to decide whether the property you are planning to buy lies in the rural or urban area of Jodhpur. Choose the appropriate answer according to your needs.
  1. If you choose Urban, for instance, then you will need to fill in this information: SRO, Zone, and Colony Name. If you are choosing rural, then you will need to fill out SRO, village, and colony.
  1. After filling out the required information and captcha, you will be shown a tab with DLC rates. For example, if you have chosen the Shastri Nagar area and the Sindhi Colony in Jodhpur, then you will be given information about residential and commercial DLC rates.
  1. DLC rates for Adarsh colony in Shastri Nagar are 4604 per square foot (for residential property), and 9637 per square foot (for commercial property).
  1. You will also be provided information regarding previous DLC rates, plot-wise DLC rates, and DLC rates according to type of land (residential, agricultural, or commercial).

You can easily convert the information in pdf to keeping it for your reference. 

The final property value is calculated by multiplying the DLC rate by the built-up area of the land, and the stamp duty charges are paid on the value which is higher, the property value or DLC rate in Rajasthan. 

You can also click on http://epanjiyan.nic.in/ for finding the DLC rates directly. The process and steps will be the same as discussed above.

Similarly, for every state and district in India, there is a different website where you can check DLC rates according to your area. DLC rates vary depending on the type of plot, so if you want to build a multiplex, apartment, house, or shop, the DLC rates, stamp duty, registration charges, and documents required will be different.

Also Read : 犀利士 s.com/property-registration-in-rajasthan/” data-type=”URL” data-id=”https://suranarealtors.com/property-registration-in-rajasthan/” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>How To Do Property Registration In Rajasthan?


For any state, you can visit their portal to check DLC rates, as regulated by their state government. The DLC rates are revised as per the budget analysis. This website also contains information regarding the latest updates, implied taxes, and all the online verification and payment 

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